July 6th, 2001
Re: Download speed Quote: Originally posted by Unregistered I admit I'm not the smartest cookie in the jar when it comes to these file sharing programs. Too, this is not a complaint because, after all, LimeWire IS free.
A friend introduced me to LimeWire. While I do enjoy it and have downloaded many files, she seems to have much better connection speeds than I.
We both have Cox cable - she in Phoenix and me in Las Vegas. She tells me she downloads at 50-100 kps virtually ALL the time. Mine are almost always far below 50 (usually 1-8 kbs).
I didn't change any LimeWire settings that I know of. Is there anything I can do to increase my d/l speed? My d/l times using a stand alone browser (IE 5.5) for example are just fine. Any possibility my local cable company has anything to do with my LimeWire downloads specifically? (Doubt that.)
At what rate do others download at? Any help/suggestions appreciated. | |