Originally posted by Minstrel111 If people would just think, and check other areas in the board, we wouldn't have to keep repeating ourselves. |
I think this poster meant "other areas in the board" like, maybe, the Installation Forum. As this is an installation problem. Adam (developer) has replied. He has apologized. The Pro version was supposedly fixed yesterday and the free version today.
The main problem is that people start new threads repeating the same thing that has been posted over and over. Yes, this is a legitimate gripe. And yes, it should have been fixed sooner. But, people need to do a little bit of their own research too. Not just come to these forums YELLING and demanding that their
free software be fixed NOW!! The Pro users, on the other hand, can demand.

But, the people trying to help here have nothing to do with LimeWire except for the fact that they use it too.