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Old November 26th, 2002
Vera Vera is offline
Join Date: November 23rd, 2002
Posts: 5
Vera is flying high
Default Can you be more detailed?

When I open advanced network options panel, Force local IP and Port fields are emtpy; I don't know what to "force". Xolox should be build like Winmx which doesn't have such problems with AOL. Anyhow from Winmx I saw it uses port 6699 so I enterned that in Xolos port; I can not find the ISP number in this damned Windows envorinment (in Mac I can find it right away). Please give more details and if xolox people read this maybe they can do something so it can be used whatever ISP I use. I use Winmx, Bearshare, eDonkey, Audiognome with no problem from AOL. Thansk