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Old December 1st, 2002
Eagle3yes Eagle3yes is offline
Join Date: August 3rd, 2002
Posts: 15
Eagle3yes is flying high
Lightbulb Yes Works Great - Only->

I notice it hogs every free CPU cycle it can - even if there is hardly anything to do ...
Like right now I disconnected and even in the background it still uses between 90 and 98 % of the CPU
I am using it in Win2000pro and Sun Java 1.4.0_01-b03
When in the foreground it uses 75 MB memory and in the background still about the same as IE6.0 ~35MB
But continuously the cycle hogging - right now there is just one upload going on, disconnected from the peers and a few download candidates still waiting for further hours...
Must be something in the tread management...

I noticed it because sometimes the machine seems to freeze for short time periods (then even the mouse doesn’t move...

I verified all aspects up and download except passive search...
I like the way the multiple searches have been implemented and how gcache made it connect relatively quickly even though my generic ports 6346... are completely blocked by my administrators...
Other thing I just noticed even though I was disconnected an incoming connection was still accepted - that should be adjustable, no?
And the CPU usage has more variance than above mentioned

Anyhow Felicidades Glückwünsche and all !
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