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Old December 2nd, 2002
specklebird specklebird is offline
Join Date: December 1st, 2002
Location: Oklahoma
Posts: 2
specklebird is flying high
Smile went back to XoloX version: 1.32

Xolox is the best file sharing program I have found. I tollerated the errors , and I reported them to XoloX. But when the Beta 1.4 474 started crashing my computer everytime I shut down, I had to try something else. I uninstalled it, reinstalled it and the same crashes at closing happened.
I stood it 2 whole days without XoloX and installed 1:32 version. So far so good.
I didn't know about dumping the .txt files, so I did this with the version 1.32 , just to be safe. Don't know if this has anything to do since I am not using the beta version.
XoloX is still the greatest!!! Thanks for all the hard work!