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Old December 2nd, 2002
Brian Christmas Brian Christmas is offline
Inquisitive tinkerer
Join Date: November 14th, 2002
Location: Bendigo, Australia
Posts: 31
Brian Christmas is flying high

G'day from Oz.

Every Mac OS 9.x program I've downloaded has been stuffed as a .sit file, but if stuffed with the latest Stuffit, an old version of Expander might not recognize them.

Also, you might have to drag the file onto Expander. Keep a handy alias on your desktop for this.

Even more extreme is to open Expander, and navigate to the file.

Sometimes a .sit file downloads with a blank icon, and will not open. I've tried re-setting the file type & creator, but no luck.

Also, I've had real problems with .img.sit (stuffed disk image) files, which I'm still trying to open.


Brian Christmas
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