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Old December 2nd, 2002
Brian Christmas Brian Christmas is offline
Inquisitive tinkerer
Join Date: November 14th, 2002
Location: Bendigo, Australia
Posts: 31
Brian Christmas is flying high

G'day from Oz

Don't know whether you've solved your problem, but Limewire also creates a preferences folder .limewire, which is a pain, cause it's right at the top of a list view.

It contains 3 files, one of which seems to keep the reference to the position of the downloads folder, and I'm wondering if the actual position has been re-set from the 'prefs' folder.

For example, mine's in 'Documents'.

I've tried to attach a comprehensive .sit file to this note, that explains what goes on, but it might not work. (Nope, did not work, so I've tried as a ttxt) (Nope again)

If you want a copy, email me at


Brian Christmas
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