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  #45 (permalink)  
Old December 7th, 2002
sonnet sonnet is offline
Join Date: December 7th, 2002
Posts: 35
sonnet is flying high

"Uploads Per Person" will not override "Max Upload Slots" and "Max Upload Slots" specifies the absolute maximum of parallel uploads. LimeWire will however adjust its internal maximum for parallel uploads (also overriding "Uploads Per Person") dynamically according to the currently available bandwidth.
I wonder why offer "Uploads Per Person" as a configurable option, if it will be overridden by "Max Upload Slots," as the two are different? Under Max Upload Slots, which is not where my problem is occurring, only six parallel uploads can occur at one time, maximum, based on my available bandwidth and my configuration set at six. If I am not allowed to specify "Uploads Per Person" then that should not be a configurable option. For example, Limewire just cut someone off who only had three uploads, even thought I had set Uploads Per Person at 100. My old version of Limewire handled these requests without incident.

DO NOT change the "Start Upload Slots" value, it can lead to unexpected results (e.g. you won't be able to upload at all or only at 0kb/s).
I haven't changed this from the default value of 5. The config page does state problems with changing this value.


The bottom line is, Why was I seeing so many successful uploads on previous versions of Limewire and so few now?

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