Dang, I was hoping 2.8 would fix some things, but I guess that was too much to hope for...
I installed 10.2 (plus .2 update) onto a fresh hard drive last week, and installed 2.7.13 (Pro), and it crashed almost immediately everytime. I uninstalled it, installed 2.7.9, and that seemed to work, though it would still randomly crash. I did an upgrade to 2.7.13, and that now works, though I still have the occasional crash. No Norton on my system, either. Biggest piece of software I've installed has been Mozilla 1.2.1.
The thing I'm having the most problems with, though, are the damned "Could not move to Library" notices! I'm downloading files with no odd characters (worst is a hyphen!), and although I was having the worst time trying to download large files (+400MB), it's now happening with files under 30MB as of this morning...
I haven't downloaded the PC version to try it, but I'm not sure I want to mung up my WinXP Pro box.
I will not renew my subscription. I'll probably go back to using the PC to download using Gnucleus.
LimeWire now officially sucks.