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Old December 10th, 2002
lewinb lewinb is offline
Join Date: December 10th, 2002
Location: A vast midwest wasteland of capitalistically driven urban sprawl (Kansas City)
Posts: 12
lewinb is flying high

Apologies for the non sequitur, but it would be really good of one you developers to take a look at the posts on "Could not move to library". This is not in regard to low disk space, but a new, extremely troublesome problem introduced with the latest edition of Limewire. Until two days ago, I had few problems with limewire, and was considering paying the reasonable fee. I downloaded the new version (after dismissing the nag dialogue 5000 times), and now am stuck with inoperable software. This is not cool, and a few comments from you in some of these posts might point people in the right direction.
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