>Gnutella is one protocol. Any other P2P group can build its client on top of the existing protocols.
I know. Which protocol is the best at the moment?
>Well, the_GDF certainly is a non-commercial group. Anyone can post there, anyone who has something to say will be heard.
I know, but the speed they develop is below everything i've seen before
>A certain disharmony will increase the speed of development.
Maybe, IMHO, disharmony results in endless discussions and, in this case, will cause different protocol variants, for example.
>Too much of it will result in flame wars but even those can help the cause at times.
I've never seen a flame war which helped to solve a development problem without dividing good people into small groups
>If that really is what you are looking for, Gnutella is certainly the way to go
I've not seen G2 working, if it's better, and i mean better than the ed2k/emule network, i'll do everything for it, otherwise, the old Gnutella1 is ready for the recycle bin. |