Are U A Dell Intern? If you installed everything correctly and modified your .bash_profile or .bashrc correctly with the proper export PATHS included, type this command to make the changes readily available for you to install LimeWire:
source .bash_profile
or :
source .bashrc
(Depending on which one you modified/created)
What this does is save you the trouble of
A) Rebooting so that you can now use your new changes. T
B) Simply logout and then back in so that you can now use your new changes.
Changes to your .bash_profile or .bashrc are rarely EVER effective right away without logging out and then back in on most systems now.
Check for typos. If you are wondering why no one has replied to your thread up until just now is because there are alot of "regulars" that monitor this list helping whereever they can... for FREE!!! Don't forget that key point at the end. If there is a problem in this forum that is new and hasn't already had a solution posted, then you will get immediate replies. Your situation is a very very very old one. We already know limewire runs on Suse 8.1 with a modification or two as there is an issue with some installations of Suse 8.1 with a java package already installed (Depends on if you opted for a java program like kaffe, jdkgcj, gcc-java, etc, etc, etc) My link "The Solution to All Install Problems" is valid with the exception of Suse 8.1 with library link issues (which you don't state to receive that type of error) and the usual conflict with another already preloaded java packages (which is very common and addressed in the my link "The Solutions To All Install Problems"). I conclude that the nature of this post is to provide enlightenment and understanding as to why you have not received a reply to your post and many others similiar to your own. Simply, because if everything was installed according to my link, you would not have this post here now, unless it pertains to address a glitch in a program or what not. I hope that I was helpful and please don't be discouraged from posting any problems in the future but remember this... RTFM (Read any of the two top links first before posting). LoL
altoine |