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Old December 13th, 2002
jannuss jannuss is offline
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Default Experiments with LimeWire -- no joy

for Adam Fisk:

I performed the following experiements this morning:

Running LimeWire 2.8.0Beta with Max OS 10.2.1 on a G4/400MHz with 512MB memory:

1. Create a Shared Folder on the Systems disk with two .avi files (160MB total); empty Incomplete Folder:
restart computer
launch PPTP
launch Process View
launch LimeWire (from the application)
--> runs fine. enable incoming searches, do a few searches of my own, start a download. All's well.
launch another applications [AppleWorks]
--> Window Manager climbs to 97%, the colored beach ball spins and spins, the computer is totally frozen. After seven minutes I shut off the power.

2. Repeat the test launching LimeWire from the Terminal Window
--> identical results.

3. & 4. Empty the Shared Folder and delete the Incomplete Folder and repeat tests 1 & 2
--> identical results.

Note: I have an external CD-RW on the FireWire port and a scanner on my SCSI port [I have to switch to System 9 to use it]. The lab tech at my supplier's says that these sometimes cause problems with OS X -- I've yet to experience any.

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