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  #6 (permalink)  
Old December 13th, 2002
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by afisk
Do you ever not get the "Could Not Move to Library" bug?
Yes, occasionally. But it's not reproducable. I thought that maybe the .MPG files were the only ones I was having problems with, but I had a .SIT file crap out on me yesterday...

Also, do you know if you're running as an Ultrapeer (if it says "Ultrapeer" in the lower left-hand corner of the connections tab, then you're an Ultrapeer). If so, try disabling becoming an Ultrapeer in the Preferences window.
It has done so in both Ultrapeer and Leaf modes. BTW, why is it that sometimes my machine will make itself a leaf instead of an ultrapeer? Just wondering... I'll try disabling Ultrapeer tonight and see if that makes anything change...

Finally, how many files are you sharing? If you're sharing a lot of files, you may want to consider moving some of those files outside of your shared directory.
I thought maybe that was the problem, so I moved my entire SHARED and INCOMPLETE folders to a different hard drive. Starting LimeWire created new folders. I quit immediately, copied five files of assorted types and sizes to the SHARED folder, and rebooted the computer. Same problems.

Does any of that help?
Not yet, but like I said, I'll try disabling Ultrapeer capabilities and see if that makes a difference. Thanks for getting back to us on this, though!

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