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  #9 (permalink)  
Old December 16th, 2002
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by afisk
Thanks for the replies. Are you using a FireWire drive by any chance? Many users have experienced these issues when using FireWire drives. If you are using FireWire, do you still get these problems when you disconnect it, boot up, and run LimeWire again?
I have an HP CD-RW drive in an external FireWire enclosure, but it's not turned on (loud fan). I'll try disconnecting it tonight...

As for the hint to disable Ultrapeer capabilities, I tried that, and LimeWire 2.7.13 still gives me the error on some files.

In frustration, I reinstalled Jaguar and updates (had issues with iPhoto not working after an import), but the problem still persists.

The funny part is, the files giving me the error aren't actually finishing. I actually watched a file being downloaded, and suddenly it gave the error after only 60% of the file was downloaded. Now here's the really interesting part: my ISP (Earthlink DSL) dropped my IP address at that moment, so there was actually a disconnection from the Gnutella network!

Earthlink gives me a DYNAMIC IP address, which rarely changes, EXCEPT when I run LimeWire. It seems like they are switching my address on purpose whenever they detect Gnutella presence from my computers.

Currently, I have a Linux box acting as a frontend (IPTables firewall, Snort intrusion detection, file/print share, Samba server, web server, MP3 server) running a modified Redhat 7.3 system from (highly recommended, and free!). It has builtin PPPoE heartbeat check, and will automatically try to grab a new IP address if the old one "expires."

I'm wondering if this error happens when a connection is lost. As I can't tell from any logs I see when LimeWire gives this error, I can't really track it aside from sitting at the Mac for 24/7 with LimeWire active. I do have a log of the times my server has to reconnect to Earthlink. If there was a log for LimeWire, I could easily track down this possible problem...

Thanks for any ideas you've been coming up with!

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