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Old December 16th, 2002
graham lawrence graham lawrence is offline
Join Date: December 16th, 2002
Posts: 3
graham lawrence is flying high

Once there was only live music, and the issue of who owned the sound after the artist produced it did not exist.

An accident of late 19th century technology (Edison) created the recorded music industry. The legal right to record music was established by judicial fiat at that time. Freelancers, commonly derogated as bootleggers, not allowed. Our right to record the music of our choice was legally stolen from us.

An accident of late 20th century technology (Napster) gave us the ability to share our recorded music over the internet. Our legal right to do this has been stolen from us in the last year in the process of destroying Napster, again by judicial fiat.

The original copyright law established by Congress ran for 14 years. It has been increased a number of times, is now 56 years and there is constant pressure to lengthen it more.

Most of us are paid just once for the work we do. Copyright holders are paid again and again for the same piece of work.

The CD industry is one of the most profitable there is. CDs retail at $15 - $20, while al its production and promotion costs average less than $3. And now we find we do not own our CDs, we are merely renting them.

Capitalism does not sell goods at cost + a modest profit, it sells them for what the market will bear. A $17 profit on a $3 investment is the moral equivalent of selling heroin. If people will pay so much more than the cost of production, the purchase is not rational, it is compulsive.

Not only should we share our music across the internet, WE HAVE A MORAL OBLIGATION TO DESTROY THIS CORRUPT AND RAPACIOUS RECORDED MUSIC INDUSTRY. And file shaqring is the means.
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