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Old December 19th, 2002
Shadow67 Shadow67 is offline
Join Date: December 19th, 2002
Location: Newburgh, NY
Posts: 1
Shadow67 is flying high

I've just got a couple things to add to the mix. Firstly, I remember the same type of discussion when cassette recorders first became popular, the recording industry was going to go broke. DJs had to speak over the first portion of the song, making clean recordings impossible. Well, the recording industry is still here. Now we're having the same discussion. Granted, mp3s have a greater impact, but as the world changes (improves) so must the recording industry. Yes all buisnesses have the right to profit and make money, but you should not be able to legislate profits. It is a difficult situation, the recording industry supports the artists and "nurtures" them, making it possible for them to make music (blehk). Than they lay claim to the music, they own it and can sell it. This may sound far fetched, but could you be sued for walking down the street singing a song? I draw the line at profit. If you are not attempting to make a profit with someone elses music, it's probably not a crime. Granted, "make a profit" can also be interpreted other ways. If you save 20.00 by downloading a song, have you made a profit? Well thats food for thought.

Second, and my biggest gripe. Have you ever tried to replace a damaged CD? Music, software or otherwise, it aint happening. If you want to have your CD back you pay full price. With software, you can have the damaged original, be willing to send it back, be willing to pay for cost to the manufacturer. No deal, if you want it, you pay full price.

Well, sorry for being longwinded. This is a very new, very grey area (in my mind) and this type of forum cannot do it justice. Just my two cents, thanks for your patience.
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