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  #2 (permalink)  
Old December 21st, 2002
Broken Forums
Posts: n/a
Angry Get off your duffs!

Hey, is anyone EVER going to respond to this problem? When I encountered the same thing in 2.7.9 I did a forum search, and I found this thread and another one both complaining of the same problem I was having.

I have Java 1.4.0 installed. I don't use it as my standard compiler or runtimes because of a horrendously stupid error on Sun's part with the swing classes, but it seems that even if I set the path and classpath to use Java 1.4.0, LimeWire still gives me this error. That can't be right at all, and it means something is wrong with the installation, not Java. Yes, I've tried uninstalling and repairing and all the different install options. None of them worked.

It'd be nice if you people would at least acknowledge this error and give people some idea how to fix it. LimeWire is useless to me now and will be until somebody wakes up and looks for the problem.

PS: The forums are broken. I can't post as Unregistered, which is the default.
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