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Old April 6th, 2001
finklestein finklestein is offline
Join Date: April 6th, 2001
Posts: 2
finklestein is flying high
Question linux limewire startup freeze

limewire 1.3 freezes at startup when the logo appears. i've been running it for about 10-15 minutes so far, so it's not a matter of time.

i've watched the java process activity: it starts off using around 50% processing time then it drops to 10% and finally nothing. clicking in the logo window brings the activity back up to about 3-5%. it's handling the mouse events, so it's not completely frozen.

yes, i am connected to the internet.

i've tried the linux version and the "other" version using different jre's (IBMJava2-13, and blackdown j2sdk1.3.0 and jdk1.2.2). the jre's in those jdk's work with most java apps, so i don't think that it's the jre's themselves. although, the ibm jre doesn't display the buttons correctly in the installer.

i'm running slackware 7.0 with kernel 2.4.0 and XFree86 4.0.1. my hardware is an abit bp6 with two celery 366's and 256 MB RAM.

are there issues with smp?

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