More to my tastes would be to allow the user to choose, as one option defiantly won't fit everyone.
In my case, I'm running LimeWire on a machine that sits between my LAN and the internet (proxy server), and that's basically all it does. I'm sharing 40+ GB of data, and whenever it has to hash a file (median size is 160MB), it takes a long time... Longer than I would like. Worse, I've noticed that if the file is in the middle of the share directory structure, it will seems to stop searches from finding files further down in the directory structure (RedHat 7.3).
I wouldn't mind being able to flip a toggle, or slide a slider between 33% and 100%. I'd even go so far as to suggest 33-50% highlights in black, 50-75% in green and 76-100% in red.
Last edited by salemgman; December 23rd, 2002 at 02:02 PM.