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  #3 (permalink)  
Old December 29th, 2002
Posts: n/a

Oh, I hope you did not downgrage from 2.79 to 2.8.5. If you did, I hope you kept the old installer so you can get a working version back. Beware 2.8.5, it's the worst ever.

And this new 'little chunk' implementation may be good for the software, but the interface needs to reflect what is happening. I cannot tell how far into an upload someone is, if they are lucky enough to connect and even manage some uploading. We need a running total, and stop all that connecting and dropping. Make the software stay connected on the host's end. Bad bad ideas.
I don't like to shut off the program in the middle of someones' transfer, but if I cannot tell where they are, well, they lose, thanks to more poor design.

Power to the people.
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