Thread: 2.8.5 Crap!
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Old December 30th, 2002
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MamiyaOtaru MamiyaOtaru is offline
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so no one is allowed to say they have it working, but you can say you don't have it working? Helpful 'works here' is forbidden, but unhelpful 'doesn't work here' isn't? If you just wanted to know how to get the old version back, you could have just asked, instead of firing off some negative post. Get used to the idea that others will offset your post with a positive 'working here' so some casual reader of the forum won't get the false impression that it doesn't work for anyone.
I don't care if some LW guru got it to work on their machine
yet other readers may care, as they make up their mind about wether or not to try it. It doesn't work for you, as you made abundantly clear while asking how to get an old version, so permit others to say that it does work. 285 works for me lol

That aside, (and I'm sorry this won't help you right now) I always keep a copy of the last version of a program I am happy with until I am sure the newest one works. Saves me from scrambling to find an outdated version when the newest is bug ridden, or does not work for me, as unfortunately is the case with you and 285.

Anyway, I leave it to someone else to let you know how to get an older version, since I don't know and don't have one (255 is the next version back I have)