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Old January 2nd, 2003
Norm Norm is offline
Join Date: January 2nd, 2002
Location: Ooltewah TN
Posts: 495
Norm is flying high


At the top bar in Limewire go to - Tools, Options

Here you will see an option to set the number of Days Limewire keeps incomplete files.

Now continue by selecting - Saving

This shows you where Limewire will put completed files. If it is blank you should be able to select "default" and a directory will appear. If not you need to create a directory and then select it as your "saving" directory.

You might also want to add this directory as a shared directory. Go to - Tools, Options, Sharing and add the directory so you will be sharing it with others.

I hope this helps. If you need more help creating a directory let me know.

Good Luck,

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