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Old January 3rd, 2003
sdsalsero sdsalsero is offline
Gnutella Muse
Join Date: December 19th, 2001
Posts: 173
sdsalsero is flying high
Question high Dropped I/O percentages?

Lately, I've noticed that all the Ultrapeers I connect to show really high percentages on the Dropped I/O, e.g. 80%/0%.

Is this a problem on my end or on theirs?

As far as I can tell, my connection works fine. People are able to upload from me just fine, same as always. I've got a 768k SDSL line (expensive) and a Linksys router. I recently upgraded the router's firmware and I'm wondering if that messed-up something.

Or, is this a sign of trouble on the Gnutella network, that the Ultrapeers don't have enough bandwidth? Is there a DoS attack taking place?

Last edited by sdsalsero; January 3rd, 2003 at 05:13 PM.
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