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Old January 4th, 2003
curious_father curious_father is offline
Join Date: January 4th, 2003
Location: greater seattle area
Posts: 9
curious_father is flying high
Default Some Possible Help ?

I Am not claming this will work easily but it should help and can't hurt so here I go
I am assuming your version of limewire is similar I have 2.8.5 pro and when I am on the search tab and right click under name and check location then do a search the location #'s to my understanding gives you a clue to where it is coming from. I am not sure if this the exact same as a host but it seems it might be write down the location numbers and dots then click on the name of a file you want and then right click it and try to browse host see what comes up if it is all objectionable material then it could be someone hacking into limewire also next go to the connections tab and see if there is that number under host that is listed and highlight it then at the bottom remove it and never download from that location # again try only 4 star under tools options searching quality at least temporairly see if any other location #'s give you trouble make sure you have added them at tools options filters hosts filter hosts place there any locations giving you problems and if none of this works contact limewire support let me know if anything was usefull
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