I didn't acknowledge the "LimeWire Pro 4" because: what version is that? They're only at version 2.x so I figured there was some confusion there.
As for the suggestion about Norton, it was a problem for me. With the cursor she mentioned. The only time I ever saw it was when I was running it. In fact, I tried to do a disk scan once (LimeWire wasn't running) and it froze with the same squiggly cursor. So, I offer the suggestion about Norton whenever someone mentions it.
I definitely could be wrong. Just trying something.
Our configurations must be different as I cannot run Norton at the same time as LimeWire. I think when it comes to LimeWire, you're one of the lucky ones!

I cannot run it for a long period. If I run it and walk away, it will (not might) it will be frozen and require a reboot. And I will have no other apps running at the same time. But, as it is my only choice, I deal with it.
So, anyway, maybe upgrading will fix her problem. I say, try anything. LimeWire seems to be a "try and try again" program.