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Old January 6th, 2003
catarina catarina is offline
Join Date: January 4th, 2003
Location: Ventura, CA
Posts: 5
catarina is flying high
Default found help

Hey, I found a reply on another thread that helped me. This was it:

naturally, make sure you have java installed. If it is, find the file javaw.exe on your computer.

Make yourself a shortcut that says
"pathtoyourjavawfile\javaw" -classpath RunLime.jar RunLime

next to "start in" make sure it has the path of the directory where LimeWire.jar is.

That should be all you need to do.

author of AquaLime

It took me a bit to play around with it, but now when I double click on the javaw shortcut on my desktop, it opens up Limewire! Hope this helps.
( In the place where it says pathtoyourjavafile, just leave the path that's in there and only add the -classpath part at the end)
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