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  #4 (permalink)  
Old January 13th, 2003
Posts: n/a

Way to go Jannuss.
Once again, we are faced with developer in denial syndrome.
While I may not speak 'developer', I can relay what is occurring, and I would think, if 'developer' tested the program with a watchful eye, he/she could replicate the symptom and put it into 'developer' language to share with other 'developers'.

I would have also liked to see Senior Member address the automated response telling us to revert to version 2.7.13, when in fact, that is impossible, because 'developer' has not made any provision to accomplish that task.

Plus the fact that Pro Support is not responding to emails, it just adds up to a philosophy that they want us to support their efforts, but will only deal with the peasants when it suits them.

Well, I don't support outfits that operate in this manner. I'll continue to use free versions, if and when they put one out that works, but my Pro days are over.
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