>In the meantime, how do I tell how many chunks remaining in somebody's upload?
that's kinda the beauty of chunked downloading -- there is no number. you can start by thinking you'll need 100, then find another downloader and realize you only need 50, then another and realize you only need 33, and then realize the other ones are slower and bring it back up to 50, etc... but nowhere in the code is there ever a number, it all depends on the progress of the downloading.
>I'm a display kind of guy. It's more than a bug to me.
i agree.
but, given that all limewires connect with each other and with other clients, problems with the core networking code are the most important to fix first. otherwise the entire network could come to a screeching halt. don't worry -- things that look/feel wrong in the gui are still very important, especially basic things like displaying uploads correctly.