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Old January 16th, 2003
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MamiyaOtaru MamiyaOtaru is offline
Code Mangler
Join Date: March 25th, 2002
Location: Wyoming
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MamiyaOtaru is flying high

Originally posted by piagi9
Does that make ME a freeloader? My measley 34 shared files take up 3.1gb on a system that has less than 17 to work with. Not a single one of them is an .mp3, either. I've also added ORIGINAL content, both from myself, and stuff found elsewhere. And yet, YOU consider me a FREELOADER? ..!.. ..!..
Yes, I'm sure he does. He probably browsed your shared files and decided that he should classify you personally as a freeloader.

My limit is also at 50, simply to make sure you are classified as a freeloader.

Seriously though, that's unfortunate. I wish you could check and see if people downloading from you were sharing. Most of the time I am unable to browse even when it says I can. WIth all the different clients out there it just doesn't seem like you'll ever be able to check for everyone. That leaves us with the flawed min files shared to not be considered a leech thing. Luckily for you, not everyone sets it at 50.

Last edited by MamiyaOtaru; January 16th, 2003 at 06:50 PM.
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