Lee, at the risk of embarrassing myself, gnutella is still telling me that it thinks I'm behind a firewall.
Backgroiund: I'm a newbie (4 weeks) and visit the newbie forum a lot. There is nothing there that I can find pertaining to this problem. That's how I ended up here.
This is a stand-alone computer. I have a cable modem and a new router(LinksysBEFSR41). I connect to TimeWarner RoadRunner, which issues dynamic IPs. I'm running a full default installation of RedHat 7.3 Linux. I have not setup a firewall explicitly. I don't know if the install set one up or not.
I have read this post several times, along with reading all the links several times. A lot of it is over my head, but, due to your excellent explanations, Inow have a good grip on what is happeniing.
As far as I know, I haven't changed anything in the router, which, from what I understand is where you would determine if you're using NAT. I couldn't find anything about NAT in the router setup screens.
In one of your other postings, you mention to go to a site and check what my IP is. In this post, you mention
<So how do you fix this? Force the IP or binding in the Application>
I'm presuming you mean to go into gnutella and enter the IP that I received from the site ( into the box and click on 'force IP'.
And, from what I understand from your post, this is all that I should need to do. Just above where I entered the IP in gnutella, it confirms that I entered everything correctly. It states that my current IP settings (address

ort) as
OK, this is where I might embarrass myself... I did that, and gnutella still says that it thinks I'm behind a firewall.
Also, what happens when my ISP changes my IP address? This happens about weekly.
I just reread your post one more time to make sure I wasn't missing something.
Of course, I AM missing something. I just don't know what. Do I have to stop/restart the gnutella? Do I have to wait a certain amount of time?
Any help you or anyone else can provide will be apreciated.