We just posted a slightly modified version of the OS/X installer in
www.limewire.com/beta/ The only difference is that the background on the spinning lime image is transparent.
Here are the bugs people have reported on OS/X, and our diagnosis:
<li>Configuration windows appears after every startup. We can't reproduce this. Is LW in a directory without write permissions? It needs to write limewire.props to record configuration settings. (Ideally we'd write this to the resource bundle, but we haven't firgured out how.)
<li>Crashes on first startup. We occasionally get this but don't know why. A problem with the JDK on OS/X perhaps?
<li>Graphics become scrambled. We can't repeat this.
<li>Couldn't uncompress .sit file when downloading. We can't repeat this. Try dragging the .sit file directly to stuffit.
Thanks for the feedback, and please let us know of any more problems.
Christopher Rohrs
Sr. Software Engineer