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Old January 24th, 2003
iflybyu iflybyu is offline
Join Date: January 23rd, 2003
Posts: 5
iflybyu is flying high
Default ok..

Lemme see if I can help

This all is assuming you used the rpm's to install - which I suggest if you are struggling with this.

First open /home/Thomas/.bash_profile with vi by typing: vi /home/Thomas/.bash_profile

Press "i" to insert

Enter in these lines near (above or below) the other line(s) starting with "export" (make a new line):

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/j2re1.4.1_01
export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH

(you can cut/paste if you like - should work the way I entered it)

then press "Esc", then a : then qw to quit and save

then: vi /etc/profile

then "i" to insert

then insert the line:

export JAVA_HOME="/usr/java/j2re1.4.1_01/"

(make sure this directory exists - if you aren't using v1.4.1_01 of Sun Java then point it to the directory that it is installed in (same for above entries))

then move /usr/bin/java to some other location (save it in case I help mess things up for you) You can do this by doing something like mkdir /home/Thomas/javabackup then typing mv java /home/Thomas/javabackup which will move that file to the newly created folder.

then type (I'm not sure, but I think you have to be su): [root@localhost usr]# ln -s /usr/java/j2re1.4.1_01/.java_wrapper /usr/bin/java

This should create a link then to your new installed java (again make sure that the directory I made for an example is the same as what you have).

and I think LASTLY you need to do this to update the paths: source .bash_profile

then type:

sh LimeWireLinux.bin from the installed dir and pray.

Lemme know if I missed something.
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