Regarding to the fichero vs. archivo thing: the (IMO) correct word, and used by M$ in all latest translations, is "documento". In the same way, folder is translated as "carpeta" and not as "directorio".
Currently, even the RAE accepts "fichero" as a specific informatic concept, but originally it was the thing that contains the documents. That makes for me the least preferred translation, and another wrong attempt of RAE at importing meanings.
An "Archivo" is really a document, and "archivador" is what contains "archivos", so really that's a more acceptable translation. Sadly, the normalizing efforts of RAE give it a meanig that's at best vague.
The most accurate analogy for me is "documentos (archivos) dentro de carpetas". But I see best an "archivo" as a pack of documents inside a folder (in real life).
Pity is that "documento" is not a short word... ITOH, "carpeta" is not bad compared to "directorio", but that last is for now almost unused.
Well, my 0.02€. |