I don't recall the appearance of any pop-up windows or error messages prior to encountering this issue. In fact, I only became aware of the problem when I couldn't find some of the files I had downloaded in the expected folder. One would think that performing a clean installation of the software might have solved any problems any such error alert might have brought to the user's attention.
I received a reply from Limewire support, with the usual "uninstall all versions of Limewire, their installers, and desktop icons, and download the multi-language installer. Reinstall the software." (I swear, these people must work for McAfee.com, too. That's essentially their standard reply regardless of the issue one brings to their attention!) Unfortunately, that trick didn't work. I even shut down my firewall's privacy controls during installation, in case the latter was preventing Limewire from creating the appropriate cookie, but the problem was not solved. (In case you're wondering, I am running ZoneAlarm Pro 3.5.)
My Limewire Pro license will expire in a few days, and I have decided not to renew it, mainly as a result of this experience, as well as based on the fact that two inquiries I have made regarding the release of a "new and improved" Limewire version 3 within the six month period since my last renewal have been ignored. (The claim is now being repeated, too.) With no significant improvements, poor support, and no way to get a refund, the only thing Limewire might be getting is a complaint to the Better Business Bureau rather than my continued support. I have promoted this software and purchased licenses for over a year, but I am beginning to question whether continued support is warranted. |