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Old January 26th, 2003
trap_jaw trap_jaw is offline
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trap_jaw is flying high

I looked at the source code, it's almost the same.

Here's a list of changes.

* Acquisition uses java.util.* instead of* (probably improving performance. LimeWire uses the other package for MacOS compatibility)
* Added Acquisition to the list of trusted vendors
* Some fixes for possible nullpointers he might have encountered
* removed chat support
* makes four times as many requeries as regular LimeWire (definitely harmful for the network - I'm going to submit a patch to LimeWire making LimeWire's clustering effective against Acquisition hosts).
Ooops, I see now, that it doesn't requery that often. The requeries were only sent every ten minutes in some previous version but the code has been commented out....
* removed unit tests (not relevant for end users)
* made it impossible for dumb users to share incomplete directory
* added error messages for debugging
* added some statistics
* some changes to integrate the GUI part of the searching
* reduced default upload speed
* removed media player
* modified interface of HTTPDownloader to stop a transfer at any time
* sends a requery everytime the user hits the resume button (only resulting in a few megabytes in traffic for the network every time the user hits that button - I mean there IS a reason queries don't return many results, it's that ultrapeers are simply overloaded!)
But that is right.
* doesn't use http1.1 in downloads anymore, reducing effectiveness of download meshes but users don't complain anymore that their clients download files in 100kb chunks.
* disabled update manager
* removed cross-plattform compatibility

That's about it. The only possible explanation for a better performance is that he sends 4.5+ times as many requeries (if LimeWire did that, the network would collapse - and I'm seriously pissed Acquisition uses such cheap QTraxMax-like tricks to improve performance for its users while reducing performance for all the others).
You got to understand, - it was late. ACQUISITION DOES NOT SEND that many requeries, - Sorry...

Maybe Acquisition's policy not to download in 100KB chunks improves the subjective download experience but the download mesh (every client who has a file keeps track of all other clients with the same file) doesn't work as good without chunked downloads. With the new LimeWire downloads, the downloader is regularly informed about all other locations, so swarming should work a lot better.

Last edited by trap_jaw; January 27th, 2003 at 01:48 AM.
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