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Old January 27th, 2003
sussi sussi is offline
Join Date: January 27th, 2003
Location: sweden
Posts: 10
sussi is flying high
Default cannot move to library

In the beginning when i installed this LimeWire on my mac it worked rather fine.
Now.. after a while - i get this Cannot move to librarary thing.
I have searched for the file but it isn't anywhere
I have uninstalled it and installed it again. I have increased memory and many things. but all my downloads bigger than ?? 1 mb gets this Cannot move to library.
This Limewire is the slowest thing i ever seen and strange also.

I have a G4 400 mhz.
OS 9.2.2
Limewire 2.8.6

I also tried to install limewire on my pc (at work) - but there i got a lot of **** also - like this Monkey thing, Make Money and other strange small things installed on the pc. And it is really slow and the percent downloaded things.. is very very low. If they had any programs and applications on VinMX i prefer to get if from there but it is for PC... but this LimeWire must be a joke or something
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