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Old January 27th, 2003
Desprez Desprez is offline
Join Date: January 5th, 2003
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Default Re: slow library

Originally posted by popsycho
Now something I have in common with Desprez(?), we both are using iTunes music folders to share with, mine is located in HOME/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/(many folders listed by artist names)
Actualy, I'm not using the default iTunes location, but the way I have it set up, Limewire and is are sharing the same folder the iTunes uses.

And this, I think, may be part of the problem.

See, iTunes automaticaly categorizes everything by Artist, Album, Name - and re-arranges the folder structure. I wonder if Limewire checks to see if the directory structure has changed, and if it has, then does the sharing process all over again.

My memory of the order of events is fuzzy, but it's possible that Limewire started having trouble when I started using iTunes auto-organization feature.

Does anyone think this might be the case? Or possibly ANY tinkering with the shared folders structure prompts a re******yzing of the shared files?
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