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Old January 29th, 2003
melismatica melismatica is offline
Join Date: January 28th, 2003
Posts: 7
melismatica is flying high
Default I fixed it but I'm not sure how!

I also posted this in the previous thread, 'search results disappeared', but I like to be thorough. Someone in above mentioned thread referenced a 'repair' file. I looked but found none in my Limewire folder. I randomly clicked on a file called 'video.props' and this automatically opened Limewire. I did a search for audio-********** *****, and all the information was back the way it was supposed to be. I'm not sure if 'video.props' had anything to do with this or if it was because previously I had been opening Limewire via the alias in the Apple Menu. The other annoying thing that happened the last few times I opened Limewire was I had to go through the new user interface set-up again. I would still love a reply in case this happens again. Also, I addressed some other issues I had such as the missing 'reload search' function which is so incredibly useful.
Thanks! MP

Last edited by 6_pac; April 2nd, 2009 at 12:27 AM.
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