I am running MacOS 10.2.3 with Limewire 2.8.5 (all the latest builds) on my Power Mac G4 500mhz with 384mb ram. I get the same lockups that everyone else is mentioning in this forum. It does not matter how many (or how few) peers I am connecting to, it does not matter how many files I am sharing, it does not matter how many programs I am running alongside limewire, it does not matter if I had just rebooted, IT JUST CRASHES!!! It starts slow, runs slow, and slows down the entire system, as if it were overloading the CPU. For example, it takes two minutes just for the Entourage splash screen to show up while Limewire is running. Limewire is the only program that has ever done this to me. It sucks. Period. I thought that by now the folks who made this program would have heard our cries by now, but alas, even with the latest build, they have done nothing to help us. I am now settling down with Aquisition, and am hereby tossing Limewire out the window. THANKS FOR NOTHING, LIMEWIRE!!!