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Old February 6th, 2003
dawgawn dawgawn is offline
Join Date: February 4th, 2003
Location: Calgary, Canada
Posts: 18
dawgawn is flying high
Default re: Maximizing upload/download Success

What a sad, sad testament to a sad, sad program. After reading all the faqs and most of the forum threads we see only a sad, sad chain of totally frustrated entries. LeeWare and Trap_Jaw have a 3 page technical tirade about the smart ways available to maximize success with LimeWire, none of which is even slightly intuiitive. The very fact that such a dialogue is even necessary is proof alone that the program is deeply, deeply flawed.

There have been other programs (Napster, Aimster) which worked well and, for the most part, smoothly. Why must the wheel be re-invented every couple of years? Surely to GAWD there is someway to truly "Maximize Success" without users requiring a computer programmer's degree.

I, for one. would be more than pleased to pay (yes, you read that correctly) for the privilege of being able to download, peer to peer, with the proviso... I actually get to successfully complete a download, move to my library, share files, etc, etc. Why can't some enterprising person/company come up with a re-invention of the Napster module... only this time, charge a nominal fee? FREE downloads via LimeWire et al aren't all that FREE when it's impossible to successfully download.

In the last couple of years, with LimeWire as the only option available for MACs, I have learned to detest the word 'requery'... which is even sadder when I realize it's not even a real word. But its effect is all too real. How hard can it be to make a file 'INVISIBLE' if it is unavailabe? Why let me spend 3 + hours of my life I will never get back only to lose the entire connection and with it, the file?

I repeat... sad, sad, sad!
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