Thread: please help!
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Old February 12th, 2003
Julie Z Julie Z is offline
Join Date: April 1st, 2002
Posts: 386
Julie Z is flying high

I doubt that they are all corrupt.

What exactly happens when you try to open them?

Does any kind of error message come up?

Does nothing happen?

Do they open LimeWire?

Make sure you don't try to open them from within LimeWire (the Library). Go to your Shared Folder on your Hard Drive and open them there. Then post back what happens. It may be that you just need to assign one player to playback all mp3's. Something may have been messed up in your File Exchange (Mac Control Panel).

Also, look in LimeWire (Tools menu, choose Options) Make sure that you don't have it set for LimeWire to be the default player. I think that's where that option is.

Let me know.

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