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Old February 15th, 2003
Julie Z Julie Z is offline
Join Date: April 1st, 2002
Posts: 386
Julie Z is flying high

I thought of something last night. I think I come here too much, because I thought of it while I was trying to go to sleep!

Anyway, have you looked at the Connection Tab to see if you're connected? Sometimes when I start LimeWire, all my downloads will say queued. Then after connecting to a few hosts, they will either start downloading or go to requery. But if they all say queued, then I think it's more than just waiting in line.

And in the newer versions, doesn't it usually tell you where you are in line if you are actually "in line"?

Anyway, just a thought.

If it never changes and you are connected, you may want to try rolling back to an older version. I think people had the least problems with 2.7.13. And in the thread I mentioned on the first page of this thread, the guys are discussing how bad Gnutella is right now. Nobody is having much success downloading these days.

If you want to try an older version, here's a link to all the older versions. I would recommend 2.7.13.

No guarantees, though, on successful downloading!

Good luck, bubbafish.

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