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Old February 21st, 2003
stief stief is offline
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Thanks Sam, Mark and Clueless for the questions, answers and ideas.

Any more suggestions where to look for answers why p2p is worth the hassle of using and developing on OSX? Gathering and sharing "free stuff" is sure not simple, seems quite risky, and looks to require lots of patience.

Currently I look for answers here, on the Limewire mailing lists (thanks Sam), and the Acquisition posts on I did run across a place where "flames on" . . .

BTW--The price of my Pro has been repaid with curiousity, novelty and anticipation (once I got over feeling suckered). The world of p2p on OSX is better than cable TV. I hope to hear that Limewire and Acquisition work out a fee sharing arrangement, where each gets a portion of a fee in proportion to their contributions in core/gui development and OSX customer support, and both Limewire and Acquisition work on a system of recognition for the volunteer coders.
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