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  #45 (permalink)  
Old February 24th, 2003
Posts: n/a


"And thanks again to Clueless (download @300! with Acquisition? Wow--best I ever saw on either was an guy uploading at 125! on Limewire) and Sleepless for the router/NAT pointers. My ISP is great (, and is fine with the setup. I suspect cable ISP's sell a lot of high-speed because of the demand for p2p. "

I think I mislead you unintentionally. I meant to say that I download files with Safari at 300 to 350 KB/sec while Acquisition is running.

About the best download speeds for Acquisition files I have had is in the 45 to 50 KB/sec.

With LimeWire and Acquisition before using bandwidth control, that 300 number would drop to about 15 to 20KB.
So the latest versions of Acquisition have really helped improve things for me.
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