Finder>File>Find...; search for "shared" ; note location
iTunes>File>Import... ; navigate to above location.
or . . . lots of other ways to learn where stuff is on your computer.
I look for folders named "Shared", and open each one until I find one containing any names I remember downloading. Usually, I remember that when I first installed Limewire, it asked me about the shared folder. Every once in a while I look through all the folders on my hard disks just to remind me where different programs store their files. I'm sure you have had to look for files on your computer.
Limewire has preferences that show where Shared files are to be stored, and which folders are to be shared. Do you know where to set the Limewire Preferences or Options?
Next, I'll try using the Help Menu that's usually included in the Finder and in many applications. That way, if the answer that comes up is no help, I don't have to wait around. |