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Old February 25th, 2003
Sleipner Sleipner is offline
Join Date: February 22nd, 2003
Location: Sweden
Posts: 28
Sleipner is flying high
Post Idea over Pongserverless clients :)

Is that the client should work as both sniffer and pinger. Then you start, the client should start
to sniff and ping (token sending) at major router highways in order to catch a ping-token from an other client, this token that
has a payload of its origin adress, this adress is used to set up connection to that client (P2P). And the
client continues to collect tokens over time, store those tokens i an token-cache, this cache can be sent
to other clients in order to speed the whole things up. Of course this is very brief idea but still
intresting i think. Isnt this the idea of Gnutella network to have it this way? 100 percent independence from
any main server.

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