Why should users no longer be able to change the number of connections to Ultrapeers?.
I am on a 8MBit/sec VDSL connection faster then a T1 connection.Whenever I start up LimeWire 2.8.6 (I am using Mac OS 9.1)it always start up with just 3 connections even if I have changed the preferences to T1 which should allow me to have 10 connections up so I manually have to change the number of connections to 10 everytime I start up the LimeWire application.If users should no longer be able to change this number manually then the LimeWire team should change this so that the app starts with as many connections as possible according to what settings for connections speed that you have set in preferences.If not then the search results on the network will be as poor as for modem users even if you have a fast connection and I cannot see why any users would want that.I sure wont!.
__________________ <img src="http://www.jordysworld.de/emoticons/blob16.gif">Sincerely Joakim Agren! |