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Old March 4th, 2003
fiberman fiberman is offline
Join Date: July 23rd, 2001
Posts: 22
fiberman is flying high
Default Not Limewire's problem

I sent an email to support. They still think this is a user problem and not a problem with Limewire.

Email follows with my response:

Hi Bill,

This is usually the result of either downloading a file with an
incredibly large name or rogue characters in the name, trying to
download to a full disk, or downloading to a directory to which you
don't have administrator rights. Please try the following:

Press Kill Download
Select the Incomplete folder, in the Library, and select Resume.


My Response:
Dear Zenzele,

Don't get me wrong because I'm a loyal Limewire user and have been over many
years and I know a form response when I see it.
This is not a problem with my PC or the is Limewire.
I switched to BearShare and was able to download the very same files on the
very same PC. I don't like BearShare's interface and prefer Limewire but
BearShare is working.
You can't simply blow this off as a user problem. Please fix it so I can use Limewire.

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