Thread: File "popups"
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Old March 6th, 2003
Sleipner Sleipner is offline
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Default Re: File "popups"

Originally posted by bryce_d


Edit(the real thing!)
Edit(please share!!!)

Those files are from a well known spammer! go to option/filter
and add the following IP in Filter Host section at top 38... (3 dots after 38) there might be other spammers as well. the files are just crap either contains links to various places or have so called Dialers in them especially the around 300 k size one, so dont run any of that.

If files still pops up with those parenteses after the filter setting then try to download any of those files, but be quick to take note about their IP adress, quickly delete those files again, then add the new IP adress to the Filter.

Last edited by Remoc; February 11th, 2008 at 06:12 PM.
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